Polarond 600 Cameras

Polarond 600 Film

Polarond 600 Film
Polarond 600 Film

Polaroid 600 Camera

Polaroid 600 Camera: OK before you buy a Polaroid 600 camera there is probably in one of you older relatives Attic, or I see a few at garage sales and markets.

The Polaroid  600 cameras was the cheapy instant camera at the time they were produced, features included a flash close up  and it came in many funky colors. There has been a sudden increase in popularity and although Polaroid don’t make the film anymore, a new company has emerged  called Impossible, they only supply the film in cases of  8 instead of the original 10, and the quality is no where near the original, but they do work, (Quality Polaroid photos were never a priority, it was the instant wow effect and the flapping of the film for 5 mins before the photos miraculously appeared!

Film From Impossible

UK Silver Prints

I have one i bought for $20 on Ebay, and it works fine,  now they seem to be going up in value, Iv bought a batch of film as well, hint!! only buy up to 5 for each buyer as some are way past there sale by date and are dried up![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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