Fruits Of Colombia

Fruits of Colombia
Fruits of Colombia

Fruits Of Colombia

What is the

1. The hot pink spiky one on the plate ??
2. The cactus fruit (called tuna in Bolivia) ??
3. The yellow-green, skinny one in the front of the basket ??

1. #piña
2. #guanabana
3. #granadilla
4. #pithaya
5. #uchuva
6. #mango
7. #lulo
8. #mora
9. #mangostino
10. #ciruela
11. #guayaba
12. #tomatedearbol
13. #carambola
14. #maracuya
And if you’re a super fruit specialist, help me name:

1. The hot pink spiky one on the plate
2. The cactus fruit (called tuna in Bolivia)
3. The yellow-green, skinny one in the front of the basket


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